Monday, May 30, 2011

Do not get stuck..Get upgraded..

People sometimes do not realize the value of in house trainings.

If you were in a company no matter what your position is, somehow there should be a way for you to upgrade your skills.
You might wonder what is the need of such hassle when you think that you can do your job better than anyone and you have been efficient doing it. Chances are anyhow and anyway there is a better way of doing things.
Technology has been a part of our lives and surely plays a lot when it comes to our job. You may not realize but there could be a better approach to many of your task.
Better time management. better record keeping procedures. better conflict management. better way of using the software.better system. Better tools and methodologies.
All you need to do is seek for the part of which you think that there could be a better approach. Then search for a solution.perhaps a training or a new resource materials available out there could be the answer.Some companies offer in house training or search the web for the training that suits your schedule . This maybe a diversion from your normal working routine but it is the best way to keep you updated. This will help you grab a better perspective of things and the company to have a more efficient employee .It is essential that we keep paced with the technology otherwise we will be left behind.

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

9 Reasons why you should quit your job..

There are a lot of reasons why you should quit your job apparently there are lots of reason you should stay..
But for me these top reasons that I could think of could say that you should be able to quit your job.

1. You are too rich to hold your present position as an employee.
You got lucky won a lottery, or got big time in one of your business and it pays a lot to give your time on managing your wealth rather than sticking to your present job.
2.You are too bored with your present job.
You might be surprised what people would do when they are bored. People will do lots of stupid things without thinking just too ease their boredom including dangerous acts just to excite themselves.

3.You have a job but you do not have a life.
I once asked a friend why did she quit a job that pays well and has a good career path prospect.
She replied: " There is too much overtime rendered in that work that you don't get a life ". Makes sense
work maybe a necessity but you got to have a work life balance.

4.You are highly unappreciated.If you feel that your efforts are not appraised even though you are a low profile type of person, You would want to be appreciated and be recognized for your contribution. Nevertheless , If you feel that you are confident enough , then seek an organization where you get what you deserve.

5.You got a better offer.You have no plans of leaving the company, the work is good and you are doing well. But wait, you are doing too well that other companies came knocking at your door.You could stay as and do what you had to or you explore other options where you get an offer that will make not only you but your family as well a little happier by having extra.

6.You are overqualified for the job. You felt that you could manage the whole team, Lead the way and ready for the big game. But wait, there is no slot available for higher position unless someone retire.Then why settle for being a sergeant when you could lead the whole company into the battlefield.

7.You lost your dignity as an employee.You are caught doing some illegal activity that compromises the image of the company. You can stay and face the consequence yet you lost all your dignity and the peoples respect around you or you could quit as a try to start again and hopefully not to screw up this time.

8.There is no growth with your present job.You have reached the position as a manager, But then next is the owners position for you are in a small company. The organization is simple and small.You felt like you could still achieve more. Then go for the big league.

9. The boat is sinking. Do not be left behind.They say that the captain is the last one to leave a sinking boat.In most cases you are not the captain, you one of the crew who did his best yet the boat kept on sinking. Maybe its time to consider other options a more stable one.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Been Here too long? Maybe Its time to get notice.

Holding the same position for so long?

I have been in a team building meeting and here are some pointers that I picked up.
If you have been performing well doing the same job or job with the same capacity at the same position,
and got fed up why nobody in the management recognizes your contribution to the company.
Maybe its time to make some noise!
Patience is a virtue.. But even when waiting we loose our patience , or we just do not have the time to wait.
For those who are happy performing the same job till retirement,then theres no problem.
But for those who has a little bit of interest to gain a higher position then maybe you have to take some steps.
Brag about your accomplishments.
At a good timing where a manager can hear you, speak up and let the people know what you did.
Just be certain that those task are accredited mainly on your efforts rather than collective as a team.
and be careful not to exaggerate or twist some facts.
Entertain other opportunities.
Some  of the companies doesn't realize the role of a dependable person unless he is leaving that way the management will realize the impact of your presence and offer something in exchange for your tenure.
The key is if you are waiting for so long and that you feel that its time to move to the next level. Break the silence, brag about what you have done and get noticed. 

Friday, March 18, 2011

Take a vacation..

After Working Hard 5 times a week 8 hours a day..

Its time to give yourself a reward, Take a day or two for a vacation. Go out of town, Go to the beach,
Read your books, watch some movies.
Yes, vacation is important to as a means of relieving stress.
Even computers need to be turned off or re started sometimes so does a human mind.
It may not mean alot. You may even leave some work behind and get some backlogs..
But still work will always be there and if you were not there then someone else will do it.
Then when you come back , Recharged full of energy and ready to face new challenges with
a lighter face and a lesser wrinkles.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Know the people you work with..

Do you know the people you worked with?

Working 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.. 40 hours a week and you don't even know the person around you?
 It always said that it is important to keep a professional relationship with those you work with.
But would it hurt if you know them a little more?
Get  to know them.
The way I see it there is more advantage to it than disadvantage.
You could get a little assistance even if it is out of scope of your officemate and will be given out of good will.
You will get little favors.They get to stand up for you.
In short giving your working environment a little ease.
How do you do that?
Well get to know what they are into. The trends in the office.
If that doesn't fit to your character, Try short greetings and short conversations.
These things are not being taught but it is good to know that you have to be nice to your officemates for your own benefit.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Taking your work at home?

Taking your work at home?

Many people experience this kind of problem. Some literally take their job at home and work on it. Bring files in soft and hard copy to work on all night. What about who don’t take the physical files home, don't bring or computer yet upon arriving home their mind is constantly working on the job they left behind.
Yes this is true. Some people may not bring their calculator and external disc drives home yet their mind is still occupied, and will not stop thinking about work. One thing I could suggest about this is to divert your attention, find a hobby that will completely occupy your time this hobby could be watching your favorite game on ESPN, play your x-box, do your garden, and do some oil painting, anything that catches your interest. Remember our mind needs to rest and relax in order to be effective the next day.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Most Common Interview Questions

What are the most common interview questions?
Passing an Interview needs a lot of preparation and it is best to expect the worse and hope for the best.
Here are some of the most commonly asked interview questions to give you an idea how to answer them.
1.Why did you decide to apply for the position.
The Interviewer wants to ask whether your interest in the position is genuine and not just a matter of  need for a job.
2.Why did you decide to apply with the company, What are your impression of the company.?
To correctly answer this, you must first research on the company's background ,profile, and size of operation, nature of business, It also asks you why did you choose to work this company instead of its competitors, If you cannot answer this, you might not get the job.
3.Why did you leave your last company?
This will give the interviewer an idea what would make you leave and the reasons that made you left, thus it is best to give a safe answer to this one, but not lying about the reason for there are background investigations that might contradict your first statement and make you loose your spot.In answering this question, be careful not to discredit your last company for it will give the interviewer the impression that you might do the same when you leave.
4.What are your strengths and weaknesses?
This is a trick question, Giving to much of your weakness might show your incapabilities,however this could be an opportunity to turn this around, you can tell some of your characteristics and make them appear as a weakness whereas it is really a strength, Either way, there is no wrong answer here,it is only a matter of knowing yourself and how much you want your company to expect from you.
5.What are your plans after the next five years?
It is best to think big, five years is a long time and companies would want to hire a future manager than an expert of the job working for the same job in the last five years.
These are just tips, the main goal is to be prepared for an interview, know your resume, your achievements and your job responsibilities from your past jobs.